Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Patient Group

PPG meetings are held quarterly at Parkway Health Centre where we welcome your views and suggestions on how we can improve your healthcare with us.

If you would like to attend please register your interest below:

Next meeting Monday 2nd December 2024 1pm to 1.45pm



Previous Meeting Minutes

4th Dec 2022, 1.00pm to 1.45pm at Parkway Health Centre

  • Meeting Called By: Sharon Nobes (Practice Manager)
  • Facilitator: Janey Williams
  • Note Taker: Janey Williams
  • Attendees: VM, CO

Agenda item: Practice Services

Presenter: Janey Williams


Introductions were made and JW provided practice updates. She explained that the practice now has a new phone system, which patients are not held in queues. She then advised that the practice is providing extra nurse sessions with Laura on Thursdays at Gravel Hill. Also, informed attendees that the practice now has a new clinical pharmacist who specializes in diabetes called Mohammed. He will be at Gravel Hill on Wednesdays and Parkway on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday mornings. Individual input regarding surgery services was then expressed as per action items below.

Action items

  1. CO and VM said that they had not noticed that there was a new phone system but CO did say that her husband had called several times and got through quickly. Both said they won’t miss being on hold.
  2. CO & MV were pleased to be informed that there will be extra nurse sessions. CO enquired re toenail cutting and MV said that nurses aren’t allowed. VM went on to say that she’s devastated that Dr Fraser no longer does minor surgeries but pleased he was able to refer directly to the hospital and the wait time was not too long. CO didn’t know this and has booked an appointment for her husband. She will speak with reception.
  3. VM would like to know if she can book an appointment with the new clinical pharmacist, as she has diabetes and doesn’t attend appointments as finds they are too far for her to travel. Suggested she speak with reception.
  4. VM & CO mentioned that they miss the old receptionist and that as the receptionists are allowed to ask questions about why a patient is requesting to see their GP, that perhaps some should adopt a more ‘bed side’ manner with elderly patients as often, they are frightened.
  5. CO and VM agreed that they were still very happy with the level of service the practice provides and look forward to attending the next meeting.

Next meeting Monday 4th November 2024 1:00pm to 1:45pm

Minutes from previous meetings are available on request.